Today i just finished all my household chores and was just sitting idle and happen to speak to my friend and allof she yawned and it immediately made me yawn and it just made me think what makes us yawn and all of sudden i started yawning frquently,
I didnt understand why I was yawning so freqently now???????. It got me wondered why do we yawn?
In Wikipedia, it says that yawning is associated with tiredness, stress, overwork, lack of stimulation, or boredom.
The long answer is that no one really knows, but there are plenty of interesting theories.
The idea that we yawn is to get rid of carbon dioxide and take in more oxygen has been disproved by research, but persists as the “common wisdom” answer. According to this theory, people breathe more slowly when they’re bored or tired and less oxygen gets to the lungs. As CO2 builds up in the blood, the brain reflexively prompts a deep, oxygen-rich breath.

While yawns are still largely a mystery, here are some things we know for certain:
• The average yawn lasts about six seconds.
• In humans, the earliest occurrence of a yawn happens about 11 weeks after conception – while we’re still in the womb.
• Your heart rate can rise as much as 30% during a yawn.
• 55% of people will yawn within five minutes of seeing someone else yawn.
• Blind people yawn more after hearing an audio tape of people yawning.
• Reading or even thinking about yawning can cause you to yawn.
• While writing this , I yawned several times .
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